Protecting the Injured,
Every Step of the Way

Are you working in one of the most dangerous jobs in the US?

AdobeStock_71846889.jpegEvery job comes with some amount of risk to a person’s health and safety. Even if you work at a desk in a climate-controlled office, you could still suffer conditions like carpal tunnel or back pain.

That said, some jobs are far more dangerous than others are. They can put workers’ lives in danger on a regular basis. If you work in these occupations, which we discuss below, knowing the basics of workers’ compensation benefits can be especially important.

Most dangerous jobs

According to the 2016 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, the following occupations have the highest rates of fatalities on the job.

  1. Logging industry workers
  2. Fishers
  3. Pilots
  4. Roofers
  5. Recycling and waste collectors
  6. Steel and iron workers
  7. Truckers 
  8. Agricultural workers, including farmers
  9. Construction and extraction workers
  10. Landscaping and grounds maintenance

If you work in these or similar industries, understanding the risks you face will be a vital step in staying safe.

Protecting yourself in these occupations

In these types of jobs, complying with safety precautions and practices will be crucial. As such, workers should wear appropriate protective gear, follow approved procedures and refrain from using drugs or alcohol. It can also be wise to report any unsafe equipment or policies.

Another important protective measure is to familiarize yourself with your rights regarding workers’ compensation.

This can mean checking that your employer has coverage, knowing where you should go to seek medical attention and confirming whether you are eligible for benefits. Much of this information can be acquired from your employer.

However, if you have difficulty understanding your rights or if you wish to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, you can consult an attorney who can explain the laws in place as well as the steps you need to take to pursue benefits you may deserve after a work-related accident.
